Endocrine diseases

Two specialised outpatient offices are operated – offices of endocrinology and osteology, equipped with appropriate instruments (DEXA).

The centre also provides descriptions of densitometry assessments for the needs of IKEM including recommendations of necessary biochemical assessments and osteological consultations asneeded. 

We perform fine-needle thyroid biopsies (FNA) under sonographic control. Besides the outpatient section, the endocrinology division also provides consulting services to IKEM wards. 

In cooperation with other IKEM divisions we perform functional endocrinology testing with optional laboratory diagnostic procedures, MRI, CT and radioisotope assessments including therapeutic protocols with radioactive iodine application in patients with hyperthyroidism or surgical solutions as appropriate. 

An entire spectrum of endocrine diseases is treated in the scope of outpatient care. The numbers of patients undergoing endocrinology and osteology assessments keep rising every year and the demands exceed existing capacities. Despite a constant interest in admission of new patients, since 2013 we have been forced to refuse virtually all patients referred outside from IKEM (with the exception of acute cases and pregnant women); still, the number of patients continues rising in connection with the development of existing programmes (cardiovascular, transplantation and diabetological).

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